Climate change represents an existential threat to human life on the planet.

The evidence for this has been widely published, but you don’t have to take my word for it. This is what Britain’s most trusted man has to say on the subject:

An existential threat to the ski industry

Climate change also represents an existential thread to the ski industry.

Ski resorts are already dependent on snow cannons , even on glaciers. And the summer of 2019 saw summer ski glaciers in France, Austria and Norway close early while the 0˚C isotherme rose as high as the top of Mont Blanc at almost 5000m.

Resorts are diversifying into non-ski activities, so much so that we have the bizarre situation where a ski resort above 2000m is considering building an indoor ski slope to ensure skiing.

A snowmelt lake at 3400m in July 2019

‘No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference’

The inspiring teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg reminds us that ‘No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference’

You can make a difference by flying less often.

Ski Flight Free is a campaign to encourage skiers to travel to the Alps without flying.


How much difference can you make? 

The latest carbon footprint data from Protect Our Winters are shown below:
Car, alone, from London (via Eurotunnel) – 388
Car, four sharing, from London (via Eurotunnel) – 99
Coach from London (via ferry) – 72
Plane via Geneva (airport-to-resort transfer by coach) – 250
Plane via Geneva (airport-to-resort transfer by taxi, three sharing) – 262
Eurostar + TGV via Paris (change in Paris with RER, station to resort transfer by coach) – 11
Eurostar + TGV via Paris (change in Paris with taxi, three sharing; station-to-resort transfer by taxi, three sharing) – 14
Eurostar Snow via Lille (station-to-resort transfer by bus) – 10
Eurostar Snow via Lille (station-to-resort transfer by taxi, three sharing)  – 12
Figures to the nearest kg CO2e